Past Tour Archives

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Day 10 - Roasted leg anyone?

The plan today is to take it a bit easy...

First thing, after breakfast,  ride over to Puerto Santa Maria where the Cadiz HD shop is based; Puerto Sherry is just a few miles from there.  OMFG the phone routes me onto the A4 nowhere to turn round for 10 miles road again grrrrrrrr, that's another unnecessary 20 miles!

Eventually arrive at HD. Nice shop but very expensive... No way I'm paying €78 for a tee shirt.

Next plan is to find a garage near to a cafe so I can have a coffee while the bike cools down then into the garage to give her a wash.  No such luck as now it's time to get lost and worse than that it's really hot today so am wearing shorts.  My right leg is being slow roasted by the engine and exhaust pipes... It is very painful... I must get out of here.  I tell the phone to route me back to my hotel, but it's still playing up so it takes ages to get out of the town centre, more leg anyone?

Once back at the hotel I take some time to cool down, both temper and temperature wise.  I check on my phone for the nearest garage and there is one just 1.2 miles away... Must make sure not to turn onto the A4 again!!

Find the garage no prob... Give the bike a quick jet wash, buy some water and head back to the hotel.

It's now 2pm... Guess I'd better eat.. There are some nice cafés at the rally site so decide to ride over.  The first café doesn't have anything I want so try another one.  They are only serving drinks and ice cream so have a coffee and 2 boules of ice cream, which make me feel sick... One of the downsides to the op... You think I would know better by now.

Here is Puerto Sherry before the invasion tomorrow...

Spend about 2 hours there then promptly get lost again... Seriously!!

I actually end up at MacDonalds... I just cannot face another trial to get some decent food.

Finally get back to the hotel about 7.30 and am really knackered, so sorry no BSL for yesterday and today.

Must up early to go to the rally site and pick up my prepaid rally goodies... Oh I'll also have a good look around the market stalls and other tents as the rally starts tomorrow.


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